Forum of Caesar

When Caesar decided to construct a new Forum beside the old there were serious problems to be solved. After demolition of a number of private houses, a great deal of leveling was necessary, a long stairway had to be cut in the slope of the Capitol, and the neighboring Senate House had to be moved. The enormous cost of all this was met out of the vast spoils of the Gallic Wars. The result was a veritable museum of Greek pictures and sculptures, six collections of engraved gems and jeweled cuirass captured in Britain. The building housed a statue of Cleopatra and of Caesar himself.

Basilica of Maxentius
Hover mouse over the ARROW to "recover" into its former glory.

Circus Maximus
Basilica of Maxentius
House of the Vestal Virgins
Forum of Caesar
Colosseum Exterior
Colosseum Interior