Sample Test 1 - Answers

The wrong answers are grayed out and the correct ones in normal print. The red comments are study points I make to remind you things to be aware of for the test.

For Questions 1 and 2
Questions 1 and 2

1. In which period would you place this structure?
a. Hellenic
b. Hellenistic
c. Mesopotamian
d. Egyptian

e. Roman

Classifying things by period is common. Could you do the same thing with figure sculptures? Could you also cite the name of the sculptor? (BTW: What you're looking at here is Trajan's Market…kind of like a Roman version of Countryside Mall. See those post and lintel door openings on the side - they're little shops where merchants ran businesses. Do you suppose one of them was a Victoria's Secret?) Anyway, make sure you know the names and classifications of every work of art studied in class.

2. What type of vaulting is used over the main hall in this building?
a. Post and Lintel
b. Cross Vaulting
c. Barrel Vaulting
d. Dome Vaulting
e. Pole Vaulting

Can you now name another structure studied that uses a similar type of vaulting? You will need to be able to do just that…

For Question 3
Question 3
3. Which part of the order is missing in this building?
a. Raking cornice
b. Entablature
c. Freeze
d. Stylobate
e. Triglyph

Need I say it? Know the parts of the orders! Could you now also tell me the other structures we've studied that use the same type?

For Question 4
Question 4
4. Which of the following would NOT apply to this image?
a. Praxiteles
b. Propylaea
c. Callicrates
d. Athena Nike
e. Acropolis

5. Which of the following is NOT a trait associated with a sophist in Hellenic Athens?
a. Wealth
b. Skilled debater

c. Winning was always utmost in importance
d. Discovery of truth was always utmost in importance
e. All the above are associated with a Hellenic sophist in Athens

6. Which of the following is an incorrect string?
a. Rome - Polychrome marble - Pantheon
b. Cross vaulting - Baths of Caracalla - Tepidarium

c. Acropolis - Propylaea - Corinthian
d. Hammurabi - God-king - Legal code
e. Athens - Aegeus - Parodos

I love questions like this because they cover lots of ground and see if you can put things together.

7. Which of the following is NOT associated with the Hellenistic Age?
a. Alexander the Great
b. Polyclitus
c. Emotionalism
d. Pergamon
e. Epicureanism

8. Which of the following can be associated with the virgin archetype?
a. The number 11
b. A red rose

c. Enclosed garden
d. A plow made of ivory
e. A sword

Make sure you review aspects of the Collective Unconscious and the various archetypes we covered in the ensuing classes.

9. Which of the following is associated with Sparta?
a. Theocratic Socialism
b. Oligarchic
c. Epicureanism
d. Hedonism

e. Timarchic

10. Yahweh (God) is to Moses what ____?____ is the Hammurabi?
a. Abu
b. Ishtar
c. Zeus

d. Shamash
e. Utnapishtim