Sample Test 2 - Answers

The wrong answers are grayed out and the correct ones in normal print. The red comments are study points I make to remind you things to be aware of for the test.

For Questions 1 - 3
Questions 1 - 3
1. How would you classify this photograph of a interior cathedral wall?
a. Middle Roman
b. Early Christian Era

c. Gothic
d. Late Roman Empire
e. Romanesque

2. Which of the following structures are most similar in style and construction?
a. Chartres
b. Third Abbey Church of Cluny
c. St. Apollinare Classe
d. St. Apollinare Nuovo
e. St. Sernin

3. What part of the structure are you looking at?
a. Clerestory
b. Cloister
c. Crossing
d. Flying Buttress

e. Triforium

Make sure you know your way around the cathedral and how they were treated differently by the phases of the Middle Ages.

For Question 4
Question 4
4. In the photograph above, to what part of the church does the arrow lead you to?
a. Narthex
b. Apse
c. Ambulatory

d. Transept
e. Cloister

Take a moment and look around this interior. You should be able to recognize quite a few things and make several observations. Era? Design? Parts of the structure? Can you name other structures from the same era?

5. Which of the following is NOT a trait of Courtly Love?
a. A fief is exchanged for fidelity
b. Submission of the lover to his lady of desire
c. Attraction to the forbidden
d. Love is won through honor and worth
e. All the above ARE associated with Courtly Love

If anything…a fief has to do with marriage NOT love!

6. Which of the following is an incorrect statement regarding the Republic of Rome?
a. Julius Caesar was associated with the Populares faction in the senate.
b. The issue that Gracchi was most concerned with was the unfair distrabution of farm land for the plebs.
c. Julius Caesar gained noterity through his military campaigns in Gaul.

d. Sulla expanded plebian powers by raising the status of the Tribunes.
e. The Optimates were patrician aristocrates that favored strong Senatorial power.

Pretty basic point being made you know the details of the Roman Republic? This question covers a lot of ground - names, events and issues of the day. Do you know such things?

7. Which of the following was a prominate event of the Middle Ages?
a. Nero debases the currency
b. Embracing of democratic institutions

c. Black death
d. Protestant Reformation
e. Pope Ulares becomes the king of France

Understanding key historical events is also important for the correct perspective of the arts of an age.

8. In which regard were Jesus and Socrates different?
a. Belief in being on a divine mission
b. Being subjected to a trumped-up trial
c. Embracing poverty as virtuous in itself
d. Being surrounded by a circle of close friends

e. Being betrayed by a member of the "inner circle"

Fascinating the similarities and contrast of these two great martyrs of Western culture. But regarding the betrayal - that's something unique to Jesus. Remember, Crito goes to help with the escape so as NOT to be perceived as "betraying" his teacher and friend.

9. Which of the following is an inconsistent string?
a. Stain glass - Gothic - Flying Buttress
b. Tower of London - Mosaic - Romanesque
c. Gothic - Fresco - Giotto
d. Illuminations - Book of Hours - Limbourg Brothers
e. Romanesque - Bayeux Tapestry - Norman Conquest

10. As a young Medieval monk just entering into a life in a Benidictine monastary you must find your place particularly as to your eoght hours of daily work required of every monk. You don't have exceptional language skills but do have an exceptional ability to draw beautiful pictures. Reconizing this talent the monestary bishop directs you to the scriptorium for you daily work. What job will you most likely receive?
a. Tanner
b. Miniator
c. Organist
d. Rubricator
e. Director of the liturgical dramas