Sample Test 3 - Answers

For Questions 1 - 3
Questions 1 - 3
1. In which of the following stylistic periods would you place this painting?
a. Nonrepresentational Abstraction Color-field Painting
b. Nonrepresentational Abstraction Action Painting
c. Expressionism
d. Surrealism
e. Pop

2. Who is this painting by?
a. Rothko
b. Newman
c. Hoffman

d. Frankenthaler
e. Kandinsky

3. Which of the following is a painting by this same artist and in a similar style?
a. Formation
b. Vir Heroicus Sublimis
c. Personages with Stars
d. Memoria in Aeterum
e. Improvisation No. 30

Surely you know the routine by now!

For Questions 4 - 5
Questions 4 - 5
4. In which of the following stylistic periods would you place this painting?
a. Impressionism
b. Post-Impressionism
c. Expressionism
d. Surrealism
e. Realism

5. Who is this painting by?
a. Manet
b. Gauguin
c. Matisse
d. Monet

e. Renoir

6. Which of the following is NOT associated with the Existential philosophy?
a. Sartre
b. Choice

c. Absolute Morality
d. Anxiety
e. Bad Faith

Since each individual makes his own essence through the choices they make…morality is relative, NOT absolute.

7. Select the pair of names that does NOT belong together.
a. Lipchitz - Leger
b. Matisse - Moore
c. Estes - Hanson

d. Mondrian - Modigliani
e. De Chirico - Giacometti

All the other pairs are the same stylistic sensibility. These two don't go together.

8. What is the relationship between the following: Stravinsky - Les Demoiselles d'Avignon?
a. The painter and his work
b. The composer and his work
c. Both are from the Expressionist sensibility

d. Both utilize primitive elements
e. Both utilize non-representational art

In this case, the two may be of different styles, but they have a common influence of Primitivism.

9. Which of the following is an example of "Kitsch?"
a. Ukiyo-e
b. Saturation
c. Free-formed plaster into "bio-morphic" shapes
d. A block of ice melting on a pedestal

e. An Elvis painting done on black-velvet

10. Who wrote the following:
"Reflect…or if the women you malign
Configurate your fabled senses' wish!
That error flees before the chaste nymph's eyes,
As blue and cold, Faun, as a weeping stream."

a. Mallarme
b. Sartre
c. Camus
d. Duchamp
e. Debussy

If the silky language didn't give it away, at least the nymphs…eh?