Sample Test 2

For each of the following 10 questions select one answer. To see your grade, choose the "Grade it!" button at the bottom of the test.

For Questions 1 and 2
Questions 1 and 2
1. How would you best classify this painting?
a. Neoclassical
b. Romantic with exoticism elements
c. Romantic with Neo-medieval elements
d. Romantic with industrial elements
e. Both b and c above

2. Who is this painting by?
a. David
b. Ingres
c. Delacroix
d. Turner
e. Goya

For Questions 3 and 4
Questions 4 and 5
How would you classify this painting?
a. Neoclassical
b. Romantic with exotic elements
c. Romantic with Neo-medieval elements
d. Romantic with industrial elements
e. Both b and c above

4. Who is this painting by?
a. Gericault
b. David
c. Turner
d. Delacroix
e. Goya

5. In the Marriage of Figaro, who is the character that spends most his time gossiping and trying to stir up trouble?
a. Dr. Bartolo
b. Marcellina
c. Susanna
d. Cherubino
e. Basilio

6. The Buddha said, "To be is to suffer." Which western thinker also based a philosophy on this dictum?
a. Nietzsche
b. Paine
c. Dostoevsky
d. Napoleon
e. Schopenhauer

7. If nihilism is the illness, then what according to Nietzsche is the cure?
a. Zerrissenheit
b. Gesamtkunstwerk
c. Ubermensch
d. Zarathustra
e. The Inquisitor

8. Which of the following is NOT true regarding the Erlking?
a. The poem is by Goethe
b. The boy dies at the end
c. It is an example of Romantic Salon music
d. It contains an Idee Fixe
e. It is a lied

9. Which of the following pairs do NOT belong together?
a. Fantasy - Berlioz
b. Neo-Medieval - Vignon
c. Exoticism - Ingres
d. American Revolution - Paine
e. Neo-Classical - Greenough

10. Which of the following is an example of Gesamtkunstwerk?
a. Mozart's Marriage of Figaro
b. Beethoven's Symphony number 2
c. Goethe's Sorrows of Young Werther
d. Wagner's Tristan and Isolde
e. Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil

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