The new female replaces the old as this magazine cover self consciously displays.The Flapper – The "flapper," was the young, independently-minded woman of the early 1920s. This is an article entitled, "Flapping Not Repented Of" from the July 16, 1922 New York Times. It discusses the nature of this new feminine type and tries to project her significance as a historical phenomena. In all, "flappery" was short-lived. By the end of the twenties, articles appear in papers addressing the more confident, less gregarious "siren woman" as over taken the flapper. But during its heyday, the flapper was a dominate icon representing that woman had shed the parasol and petticoat once and for all.

Petters and Neckers – In a fairly modern libertine American society it’s difficult to imagine a social culture where kissing as a form of dating entertainment was considered rather cutting edge. But indeed, along with the expanding social freedoms being explored by women in the 20s was a new-found sexuality heretofore associated with men, or at the least only whispered about behind closed doors. This is an account of a summer conference of college women written by Eleanor Rowland Wembridge July 1, 1925. The striking features in the article is how it explores the new departures being seen in American courtship and as a tangential issue, the effects of expanding mass education of all classes of people at the universities.